Would you sleep behind my door if I’m mad and upset because of you!!!
Would you always hold me tight every time I want to run away!!!
Would you spread thousand of roses in my room just to see me smile!!!
Would you promise me that you will love me till the last day of your life!!!
Would you share everything with me…even your deep thoughts!!!
Would you hold me when I cry!!!
Would you write me letters every day!!!
Would you do crazy things because I’m a bit down and want to cheer me up!!!
Would you fight the world…just to be with me!!!
Would you try to make all my dreams come true!!!
Would you live …just for me!!!
Would you promise me that you will listen to me…even when I say stupid things!!!
Would you force me to smile and laugh every single day in my life!!!
Would you let me trust you!!!
Would you let me be your soul mate!!!
Would you laugh every time I act like a child!!!
Would you kiss me…so I just can’t breathe!!!
Would you let me be in your heart and your mind!!!
Would you do all that!!!
I would!!!
I would do everything just for you. J